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Hindi-English > अधिस्फोटक परीक्षण वीथी

अधिस्फोटक परीक्षण वीथी in English

pronunciation: [ adhisphotak pariksan vithi ]  sound:  

detonator testing bay
अधिस्फोटक    detonation detonator
परीक्षण    check mental testing psychometric test experiment
परीक्षण वीथी    test bay
वीथी    alleyway alley vista gallery

What is the meaning of अधिस्फोटक परीक्षण वीथी in English and how to say adhisphotak pariksan vithi in English? अधिस्फोटक परीक्षण वीथी English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.